Housing solutions
that make life simpler

French households have a wide variety of different priorities in terms of housing, and the market is tight. We design solutions tailored to both the current financial climate and the needs of families, students, young professionals, older people and housing providers.
Image Intro

A wide range of housing options

Choose the quality offered by a developer-builder

With some 4,500 housing units delivered per year, the range of residential property we offer is extensive.

Our expertise spans all types of new homes, with a solution for every need.

To enable as many people as possible to buy their own homes and encourage social diversity, our developments include social housing and starter homes.

Helping people to own their homes is what our business is all about.
Philippe PlazaCEO, Eiffage Immobilier

  • Des logements à vivre

    Le métier historique d’Eiffage Immobilier ? Réaliser des logements neufs pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les familles, en privilégiant la qualité d’usage, la valeur patrimoniale et la mixité. 

    Nos programmes immobiliers de standing sont situés au cœur des villes ou dans les nouveaux quartiers périphériques proches, conçus pour être à proximité immédiate des commerces, services, écoles et transports.

    À l’écoute de ses clients, Eiffage Immobilier accompagne les futurs acquéreurs de A à Z dans leur projet d'achat immobilier pour que chacun trouve le logement qui lui convient.

    Visiter le site commercial d’Eiffage Immobilier
    Logements neufs Eiffage Immobilier
  • Investing in rental property

    To help investors generate a return on their capital and reduce their tax bills, we bring to the market new homes designed as buy to let properties – in high-demand areas where profitability is guaranteed, and in regions prioritised by the French tax system.

    We also build and market serviced residences (for seniors, students, tourists and business people).
    Demand for these managed residences is growing rapidly, in particular for senior residences, given our ageing population. Intergenerational living, which encourages people to help one another and facilitates successful ageing, is another great solution for older people.


    Visit the Eiffage Immobilier sales website
    Eiffage Immobilier markets serviced residences for investors
  • Client engagement, close working relationships and quality housing

    We build genuine working relationships with our clients by engaging with them. Because we work so closely with the users of our products, we can spot changes in lifestyles at a very early stage and design housing to meet our clients’ aspirations.

    With our perfect knowledge of neighbourhood markets and the needs of local authorities, we are ideally placed to offer quality addresses.

    Each and every property development is part of a long-term vision for housing including architectural excellence, refined style and long-lasting materials, as well as ready access to public transport and local services.

    This constant focus on quality results from our intimate knowledge of the property sector as a whole, and of the way we share expertise with teams across Eiffage Group.

    New-build housing: Eiffage Immobilier works closely with buyers
  • A different approach to building homes

    In housing, the climate is the number one priority. To combat greenhouse gas emissions, we integrate low-carbon building concepts and procedures throughout the entire life cycle of our new-build projects.

    As we seek solutions to limited land availability, urban densification is an interesting avenue for development. However, it requires technical and legal knowledge, coupled with high-level design and operational expertise.

    We are one of the property developers best qualified to tackle complex energy-efficient renovation and refurbishment programmes. We have undertaken numerous projects to add height to buildings in city centres to provide space for new homes.

    In urban centres, empty commercial buildings can also be restructured to create new housing units. Such work can be challenging when the building is in a poor state of repair. Transforming office space into housing is one of our areas of expertise, and we draw on the skillset of Eiffage group as a whole for these projects.

    Adding height to buildings can be a practical way of creating new housing units in city centres
  • Building high-quality housing, more cheaply and more quickly

    Demand for housing continues to grow. For individuals, social housing providers and tenants, finances are a major constraint. What solutions can we offer?

    With our focus on building low-cost new homes – and using cost-effective, low-carbon building methods – we offer the best possible combination of affordability, energy performance, low utility consumption and comfort in use.

    We take an industrial approach to economical housing. Eiffage Construction’s benchmark Ekohom module is both economical and ecological. It can be replicated in all the regions in which we work. We can therefore reap economies of scale and capitalise on acquired experience.

    H2CO is another sustainable and economical building solution. - It limits rents and service charges by offering:

    • a versatile module that is easy to adapt to different plots and urban planning constraints;
    • flexible housing units, organised in an optimal way;
    • high standards of energy performance;
    • short building lead times.
    To build high-performance housing while keeping prices in check, we use tailored building concepts


  • Guyancourt (Yvelines)

    Ambiance Chagall

    44 starter-home apartmentsGuyancourt (Yvelines)
  • Villa Joséphine de Beauharnais

    Villa Joséphine de Beauharnais

    28 housing units and 2 retail units with street access on the ground floorFontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne)
  • Le Nouveau Monde

    Le Nouveau Monde

    215 housing units in 8 buildingsClermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
  • 57 Commandant Mouchotte

    57 Commandant Mouchotte

    57 apartments, a senior residence and a day nurserySaint-Mandé (Val-de-Marne)
  • Univ'R Longchamp

    Univ'R Longchamp

    52 apartments, retail units, a day nursery and a schoolMarseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)
  • Hypérion


    176 logements en accession et sociaux, un immeuble de bureau avec commerces en rez-de-chausséeBordeaux (33)
  • IntenCité et AuthentiCité

    IntenCité et AuthentiCité

    2 résidences de standing : IntenCité (42 appartements) et AuthentiCité (48 appartements)Dijon (21) Cité internationale de la gastronomie et du vin
  • 15 appartements haut-de-gamme de 160 à 250 m² prolongés de vastes terrasses ou de jardins privatifs

    Eden Cannes

    15 appartements haut-de-gamme de 160 à 250 m² prolongés de vastes terrasses ou de jardins privatifsCannes (06) Découvrir la réalisation